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PTA ዘርን እና እኩልነትን አስመልክቶ መግለጫ አውጥቷል፡፡ የእንግሊዝኛ፣ የስፓኒሽ እና የአማርኛ ትርጉሞች ይገኛሉ፡፡
The Panthers and Dolphins Rainbow Club is the Takoma Park (TPES) PTA and Piney Branch Elementary School (PBES) PTA group by and for LGBTQ+ kids, LGBTQ+ parents & families.
Who we are: LGBTQ+ families (including LGBTQ+ kids, LGBTQ+ parents) and allies in the TPES/PBES community, affiliated with the TPES or PBES PTA. All are welcome to join, contribute ideas, and help shape this group.
What we offer:
Connection Affirmation Information Resources Support
- Community-building events for LGBTQ+ kids & families (all are welcome)
- Boost and advocate for work by the schools and PTAs to encourage access to diverse and equitable books, curricula, and professional development training
- Act as a liaison for information and resources from county-level LGBTQ+ organizations
- Raise visibility of important events like LGBTQ+ History Month and Pride Month
- Provide resources and connection opportunities for anyone in our community with questions about LGBTQ+ issues.
Questions? We’re here to talk if you have questions, and if you want to be a supportive ally for friends or family members and are trying to figure out where to start. We’re also here if you want to connect with other families with LGBTQ+ caregivers or kids. Reach out at to contact the volunteer joint PTA committee for the Rainbow Club.
Resource links:
- GSA Network for Trans & Queer youth for racial & gender justice:
- PFLAG for Parents and Caregivers of LGBTQ+ Kids:
- GLSEN Student & Educators Network for LGBTQ+ K-12:
- Family Equality Council for LGBTQ+ Families:
- MCPS Equity Initiative Unit Resources - Understanding LGBTQ+:
El Club Arco Iris de Panteras y Delfines (Panthers and Dolphins Rainbow Club) es el grupo de la Asociación de Padres/Madres de Alumnos/as (PTA) de la Escuela Primaria de Takoma Park (TPES) y de la Asociación de Padres/Madres y Alumnos/as (PTA) de la Escuela Primaria de Piney Branch (PBES) por y para niños/niñas LGBTQ+, padres/madres y familias LGBTQ+.
Quiénes somos: Familias LGBTQ+ (incluyendo niños/niñas LGBTQ+, padres/madres LGBTQ+) y aliados de la comunidad de las escuelas primarias de Takoma Park y Piney Branch, afiliados con las asociaciones de padres y madres de estas escuelas. Se invita a todos a que se unan al club, contribuyan ideas y ayuden a darle forma al grupo.
Qué ofrecemos: Información
Afirmación Recursos
Conexión Apoyo
- Eventos de desarrollo comunitario para niños/niñas y familias LGBTQ+ (todos son bienvenidos)
- Alentar y promover que las escuelas y asociaciones de padres y madres trabajen para fomentar el acceso a libros, programas y formación de desarrollo profesional que sea equitativo y diverso.
- Actuar como enlace de información y recursos de organizaciones LGBTQ+ del condado
- Promover la visibilidad de eventos importantes como el Mes de Historia LGBTQ+ y el Mes del Orgullo
- Brindar recursos y oportunidades de conexión a cualquier persona de nuestra comunidad que tenga preguntas sobre temas relativos a LGBTQ+.
¿Preguntas? Estamos aquí para hablar con usted si tiene alguna pregunta, o si desea brindar apoyo a amigos o familiares y está tratando de ver por dónde empezar. También estamos aquí si desea conectar con otras familias de cuidadores o niños/niñas LGBTQ+. Escriba a para comunicarse con el comité conjunto voluntario del Club Arco Iris (Rainbow Club) de la Asociación de Padres y Madres.
Enlaces a recursos:
- Red GSA para jóvenes trans y queer para la justicia racial y de género (GSA Network for Trans & Queer youth for racial & gender justice):
- PFLAG para padres/madres y cuidadores de niños/niñas LGBTQ+ (PFLAG for Parents and Caregivers of LGBTQ+ Kids):
- GLSEN Red de estudiantes y educadores para LGBTQ+ de K a 12 grado (GLSEN Student & Educators Network for LGBTQ+ K-12):
- Consejo de equidad familiar para familias LGBTQ+ (Family Equality Council for LGBTQ+ Families):
- Recursos de la iniciativa de equidad del MCPS – Entendiendo LGBTQ+ (MCPS Equity Initiative Unit Resources – Understanding LGBTQ+):
ፓንተርስ እና ዶልፊን የቀስተ ደመና ክለብ
የፓንተርስ እና ዶልፊንስ ቀስተ ደመና ክለብ የታኮማ ፓርክ (TPES) PTA እና ፒኒ ቅርንጫፍ አንደኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ቤት (PBES) PTA ቡድን እና ለLGBTQ+ ልጆች፣ LGBTQ+ ወላጆች እና ቤተሰቦች ነው።
እኛ ማን ነን፡ LGBTQ+ ቤተሰቦች (LGBTQ+ ልጆችን፣ LGBTQ+ ወላጆችን ጨምሮ) እና በTPES/PBES ማህበረሰብ ውስጥ ከTPES ወይም PBES PTA ጋር የተቆራኙ አጋሮች። ሁላችሁም እንድትቀላቀሉ፣ ሀሳቦችን እንድታበረክቱ እና ይህን ቡድን ለመቅረጽ እንድትረዱ እንኳን ደህና መጡ።
የምናቀርበው፤ መረጃ
ማረጋገጫ አቅርቦቶች
ግንኙነት ድጋፍ
- የማህበረሰብ ግንባታ ዝግጅቶች ለ LGBTQ+ ልጆች እና ቤተሰቦች (ሁሉም እንኳን ደህና መጡ)
- ልዩ ልዩ እና ፍትሃዊ የሆኑ መጽሃፎችን፣ ስርአተ ትምህርቶችን እና ሙያዊ ማጎልበቻ ስልጠናዎችን እንዲያገኙ ለማበረታታት በት/ቤቶች እና PTAs እንዲሰራ ማበረታታት እና መደገፍ
- ከካውንቲ ደረጃ LGBTQ+ ድርጅቶች መረጃ እና ግብአት ለማግኘት እንደ አገናኝ ይሰሩ
- እንደ LGBTQ+ ታሪክ ወር እና የኩራት ወር ያሉ አስፈላጊ ክስተቶችን ታይነት ያሳድጉ
- በማህበረሰባችን ውስጥ ላሉ ማንኛውም ሰው ስለ LGBTQ+ ጉዳዮች ጥያቄዎች ካለው ግብዓቶችን እና የግንኙነት እድሎችን ይስጡ።
ጥያቄዎች? ጥያቄዎች ካሉዎት እና ለጓደኞችዎ ወይም ለቤተሰብ አባላት ደጋፊ አጋር መሆን ከፈለጉ እና የት መጀመር እንዳለብዎ ለመነጋገር እዚህ መጥተናል። ከLGBTQ+ ተንከባካቢዎች ወይም ልጆች ጋር ከሌሎች ቤተሰቦች ጋር መገናኘት ከፈለጉ እኛም እዚህ ነን። የ የበጎ ፈቃደኞች የጋራ የPTA ኮሚቴን ለማግኘት ወደ ያግኙ።
አቅርቦቶች የሚገኙት፤
- የጂኤስኤ ኔትወርክ ለትራንስ እና ኩዌር ወጣቶች ለዘር እና ለሥርዓተ ፆታ ፍትህ፡
- PFLAG ለ LGBTQ+ ልጆች ወላጆች እና ተንከባካቢዎች፡
- የ GLSEN ተማሪ እና አስተማሪዎች አውታረ መረብ ለ LGBTQ+ K-12፡
- የቤተሰብ እኩልነት ምክር ቤት ለ LGBTQ+ ቤተሰቦች፡
- የMCPS እኩልነት ተነሳሽነት ክፍል መርጃዎች - LGBTQ+ን መረዳት፡