PBES PTA Executive Committee 2023-24

Contact the entire Board: board @pbespta.groups.io


Ingrid Gardiner

Chair all PTA, board and executive committee meetings;

Oversee fiscal compliance;

Serve as a liason with school administration or community partners;

Check in regularly with officers and committees to ensure the overall plan is on target;

Represent PTA to the community;

Recruit and mentor volunteers and future leaders.

pbes.pta @gmail.com 

Board email: board @pbespta.groups.io


Executive Vice President

Aphra Adkins


Implement duties delegated by the president;

Represent the president in her absence;

Work to create a system of accountability with the board members;

Ensure critical committees have adequate chairs and volunteer support;

Assist to create an organized and effective board.


Rachael Pierotti

pbesptatreasurer @gmail.com

Keep accurate records and submit written financial statements for meetings;

Ensure an audit, financial review, or compilation is done in accordance with the bylaws;

Prepare an annual report to be used to review PTA financial records;

File PTA's 990 report to the IRS;

Submit state-level reports and findings as required;

Oversee proper handling of money;

Ensure financial checks and balances are in place at all times. 



Lis Hooper


Work with the president to create meeting agendas;

Send out meeting announcements, agendas and supporting documents;

Take attendance and check for quorum during voting;

Present draft minutes of the previous meeting.


VP of Fundraising

April Cockerham & Mary Kathryn Lee

Help identify fundraising goals;

Lead and organize fundraising committee to satisfy fundraising goals;

Oversee all committees with a fundraising mission;

Present reports on proposed fundraising activities for approval at board and PTA meetings. 


VP of Membership
Sara Lewis


Develop and deploy a year-round membership recruitment and retention plan;

Draft and distribute membership promo and sign-up tools;

Promote membership and events for school and staff and families;

Provide membership reports to the board.


VP of Communications

Chris Campbell

Manage Membership Toolkit CRM platform;

Administer the PTA Groups.io listserv and Facebook page;

Maintain social media;

Streamline and run electronic communications;

Assist with promotion of events and initiatives;

Maintain calendar of events and contact information for PTA officers and board.


VP of Equity

Sharmila Shewprasad

Oversee initiatives related to equity, climate, instruction, and advocacy;

Streamline and coordinate school volunteer and resource needs for the school and teachers;

Work to ensure all students at Piney Branch Elementary can learn and thrive;

Review all outgoing public communications from PTA for inclusivity.


NAACP Representative

Volunteer Needed - please contact pbes.pta @gmail.com to express interest.


Attend monthly meetings or ensure PBES representation at monthly meetings;

Share important information from the Parents' Council with your school community;

Plan/support outreach events/activities at your school;

Be a member of the NAACP (https://www.naacp.org/membership);

Tap someone to take over your position.


Advocacy Representatives (MCCPTA Delegates)

Paul Donowitz


Oversee PBES PTA representation at state and county PTA meetings and Board of Ed meetings;

Communicate with PTA board to ensure that advocacy initiatives are aligned;

Develop a strategy to keep PBES parents engaged in and informed of PBES PTA advocacy initiatives;

Oversee and delegate volunteer tasks for advocacy initiatives.




TBD (Volunteer needed (please contact board @pbespta.groups.io to volunteer)

Create and maintain PTA website;

Update website and social media to be user friendly and effective.