Welcome To Panther Tracks

News, updates, and reminders for the coming week and more going forward. La traducción al español está en la parte inferior. የአማርኛ ትርጉም ከታች ነው።



Needed: GeoBowl Volunteers

The GeoBowl started last week with kick-off assemblies for all classes. GeoBowl packets are due February 7th!  Volunteers are needed to serve as coaches and GeoBowl competition volunteers. We are also looking for donors to sponsor class donut parties and individual prizes. Sign up here.


Update on After School Programming

As you may know, TPES & PBES have been working with a new after school program vendor. Unfortunately all Winter programming was canceled due to low enrollment. We have heard that some families never received flyers and that others had trouble registering,  In an effort to make sure that the Spring session registration goes smoothly,  we want to hear from you about how the experience has been for you. Please take a minute to give us feedback at this link so that we may address any challenges for future sessions.


Needed: STEAM Day Volunteers

This year PBES is hoping to host a STEAM Day on Friday, March 14, 2025 (Pi Day!). At this point we are in our initial recruitment stage for speakers, presenters, activity leaders, community partners, etc. Eventually we will also be seeking parent volunteers to help out with donations and to be extra hands on the actual day of the event. If you like to learn more about volunteering for STEAM day or have contacts in STEAM related fields that might be open to volunteering, please see this PBES STEAM Info Letter.


Needed: Girls on the Run Coaches

Girls on the Run is back for the spring season! It's a girls empowerment program for girls in grades 3-5. Joyce McDonough has once again volunteered to serve as the head coach but she is seeking at least FIVE assistant coaches to have a 40-person team.  For more information on Girls on the Run, click here and also review the email Joyce sent to the PBES PTA listserv on 1/12/25. If you're at all interested in coaching, please fill out this Google form by 1/23



Coming Soon: Readathon

The Readathon will start on Friday, February 7! Families will receive more information about the Readathon, but for now, please consider donating books or sign up to volunteer.

We need one more volunteer to staff the kick-off book giveaway at Piney Branch on Friday, February 7. The sign-up sheet is located here.


In addition, you can donate new or gently used books for our book giveaway kick-off event. If you have books you would like to donate, please drop them off on the porches of 436 Lincoln Ave. or 7301 Takoma Ave. We take any grade-appropriate book and are particularly interested in graphic novels and books in Spanish. Please ONLY drop books appropriate for grades 3-5 (no baby books or adult books).



Upcoming Dates

This month

  • January 28: TPMS Electives Fair & Parent Information Night for 5th grade parents 
  • January 29: No school for students (grading and planning day)


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